How can I build a compelling business case to convince leadership to establish the first ResearchOps position in the company?

In this episode, Emily Wever from Appfire, Shannon Lu from IKEA, and Bryna Tsai from Verily tackle this great ResearchOps question: "How can I build a compelling business case to convince leadership to establish the first ResearchOps position in the company?" Around halfway in, Ned Dwyer, the co-founder and CEO of Great Question, shares his point of view on the topic. Hosted by Kate Towsey, Chief Cha Cha and author of Research That Scales: The Research Operations Handbook

Creators and Guests

Bryna Tsai
Bryna Tsai
Head of UX Operations, Verily
Emily Wever
Emily Wever
Senior Customer Outreach Manager, Appfire
Ned Dwyer
Ned Dwyer
Co-founder & CEO, Great Question
Shannon Lu
Shannon Lu
Senior ResearchOps Specialist, IKEA
How can I build a compelling business case to convince leadership to establish the first ResearchOps position in the company?
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