In a democratised research environment, how can ResearchOps support the needs of a centralized UXR team while catering to an "army" of People Who Do Research?

In this episode, Lauren Galanter from Elsevier, Emily DiLeo from The Current, and Daniel Gottlieb from Microsoft’s Developer Division tackle this great ResearchOps question: "In a democratised research environment, how can ResearchOps support the needs of a centralised UXR team while catering to an "army" of researchers?" Around halfway in, Ned Dwyer, the co-founder and CEO of Great Question, shares his point of view on the topic. Hosted by Kate Towsey, Chief Cha Cha and author of Research That Scales: The Research Operations Handbook

Creators and Guests

Daniel Gottlieb
Daniel Gottlieb
Head of Research Operations, Microsoft’s Developer Division
Emily DiLeo
Emily DiLeo
Knowledge Management Consultant, The Current
Lauren Galanter
Lauren Galanter
Research Operations Program Manager, Elsevier
Ned Dwyer
Ned Dwyer
Co-founder & CEO, Great Question
In a democratised research environment, how can ResearchOps support the needs of a centralized UXR team while catering to an "army" of People Who Do Research?
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